Friday, February 14, 2014

Tasting - "Bay Bridge"

Name: Bay Bridge
Type: Merlot
Region: California 
Country: USA
Year: N/A
Price: $3.00

Shop Review:

The Merlot is deep and rich and comes in a real bottle, however the cork is one of those new fake ones. The nose is strong, almost a bit overwhelming. The wine itself is also quite strong, with a 13% alcohol content. It has a deep, fruity taste, with a lot of woody, oak and almost cedar tones. There is no year or vintage indicated on the bottle but after drinking I think it would benefit from some age. Everyone at the table enjoyed the Merlot and it went very well with the spicy Korean BBQ dinner we served. I think it would be a bit much for lighter fare.

My Review:

This was a sweet Merlot with real fruity aromas and taste.  It is hard to distinguish smells and taste because it has so many sweet and sugary fruit accents.  However, if a smell and taste had to be labeled it would be raspberry.  

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